Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tax Lien Certificates - How To Buy

Buying certificates does not mean you have bought property rights, this means you have bought the proprietary to accumulate back taxes due plus an interest charge. When you buy Tax lien certificates you receive a certificate of proof that you paid the taxes for a non-paying property owner, therefore when the delinquent payer decides to pay his late taxes, you the certificate possessor will be repaid your first speculation (total number of unpaid taxes you originally paid). Plus you will accumulate a late fee (a lien) that the government will also accumulate and forward to you. This late fee is a payment to you for paying the delinquent taxes of the property owner; this would be your return on investment.

This return on speculation is what investing in Tax Lien Certificates all about. Investors can see returns of 14%, 16%, all the way up to 30% or more on their investments; this will not all the time be the case but as you can see the results can be impressive to say the least.

Prospective investors asking the ask how to buy are wise in the fact that they perceive there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Buying certificates has been kept quiet for a number of reasons and on top of the list is if done right it becomes easy pickings. Of procedure done wrong and failure looms.

Tax Lien Certificates - How To Buy

For years attorneys, expert real estate investors, banks, saving and loans, pension funds and knowledgeable investors have reaped the benefits of investing in tax lien certificates. Why, because this speculation might be the safest out there, here are a few reasons:

*Tax certificates are guaranteed by the property connected with the lien. Delinquent non-payers have a real incentive to pay because if they do not there property can be seized.

*More than 98% of delinquent non-payers repay their late taxes within 2 years.

*Property taxes are a major part of the government's revenue. The government wants and needs these monies and to get them they levy a hefty penalty fee (Lien) on the delinquent non-payer encouraging them to pay on time at the same time enticing smart investors to buy tax certificates because these investors know the rate of return will be great thus the government gives its self more insurance they will get their money.

*Both beginning investors as well as seasoned investors can accumulate liens you do not all the time need 1000's of dollars to invest.

Investing in certificates sales is one of the safest and wisest investments you can make. Certificates are issued (sold) by the government to investors to cover the funds a delinquent non-payer owes but has not paid. Since the 19th century in some countries and for a good 100 years plus in the U.S, county governments have offered lien Certificates sales through auctions as a way of raising money when the property owners did not pay their taxes.

Successful investing in certificates requires explore and a proper order. Exact steps and procedures will virtually warrant miniature risk on your part and financial rewards that can be hard to comprehend. Done wrong, tax investing can and will be disappointing with well no success.


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